Month: July 2019

Using Insurtech’s Lagging Commercial Support To Your Advantage

Using Insurtech’s Lagging Commercial Support To Your Advantage Using Insurtech's Lagging Commercial Support To Your Advantage

As the Insurtech market popularity continues to grow among consumers, there is one group of insureds that are seemingly left behind. Business owners looking to insure their properties with the speed and ease of homeowners will be hard-pressed to find a source to do so. Providing commercial insurance on the standard digital Insurtech platforms is […]

Climate Change: Bank Or Bust?

Climate Change: Bank Or Bust? Climate Change: Bank Or Bust?

Climate change, and its many perceived effects, is one of the most controversial topics in the modern world today. It is viewed as everything from an outright lie or over-exaggeration, to a clear and definite certainty. For insurance carriers in the property and casualty industry, mitigating risk is the most crucial factor in profitability. The […]

3 Prime Threats To Maintaining An Accurate Underwriting Process

3 Prime Threats To Maintaining An Accurate Underwriting Process 3 Prime Threats To Maintaining An Accurate Underwriting Process

The underwriting process is largely dependent on the information, support, and data received during the task itself. A weak link in any section of this integral foundation can introduce risk into the very process designed to evaluate and reduce risk in the first place. As an insurer, having a skilled underwriting team is a benefit […]

The Uphill Battle Of Private Flood Insurance

The Uphill Battle Of Private Flood Insurance The Uphill Battle Of Private Flood Insurance

As the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) plunges ever deeper into debt even with the hope of reforms or bailouts on the horizon, the stagnation of the private flood insurance market remains somewhat of a mystery. The wide availability and usage of the NFIP brings with it a sense of trust, history, and competency that […]