An insurance risk is a financial threat for which an insurer has agreed to indemnify an insured policyholder should a covered loss be experienced. These risks are different from one insurance policy to another, depending on what’s being indemnified. With life insurance, the insurance risk is that you, as the policyholder, will suffer a premature […]
Month: December 2020
The Value and Importance of Residential Inspections
A residential inspection is an important part of your home insurance underwriting process. As an insurance company underwriter, you can use the information garnered by your inspector to verify information submitted on the homeowner’s insurance application. As well as data learned from other sources such as construction materials used, dimensions, undeclared risks and potential liabilities, […]
Underwriting Insurance Risk Means Understanding Preventable and Unpreventable Losses.
As a property insurance company underwriter, you owe your living to insurance risk. Without insurance risk, there would be no need for insurance at all. And while you must accept a certain amount of risk that your company shares with each and every property owner client, you’ll continually be involved with a variety of loss […]
Insurance Inspections: A Cornerstone to Accurate Property Insurance Underwriting
A home insurance inspection can provide several benefits, both for the homeowner and the insurer that’s writing the homeowners insurance coverage for a property. When done properly, an insurance inspection will give you, the underwriter, the information needed to accurately assess risks and potential liabilities that will affect the decisions you must make regarding whether […]