Unfortunate Property Inspection Mistakes Made By First Time Homeowners

Unfortunate Property Inspection Mistakes Made By First Time Homeowners
The first time you try anything new there is bound to be a learning curve. This is true of everything from taking on a new hobby to buying a home for the first time. Unfortunately, with the practice of homebuying, the risk is significantly high. One line item in the home buying process that new buyers tend to muck up is the hiring of a property inspection team.
While this may seem to you like a small part of the process, the quality of your home inspector makes a big difference in the success of your purchase and your long term happiness in your home. Here are three ways in which first-time homebuyers mistakenly hire the wrong inspector.

Not Doing The Research
You may think that all inspectors are the same, but of course, that’s not true. There are good and less ideal professionals in any field and in order to find out who they are you must do your research. A great way to find a property inspector you’ll love is to ask your trusted friends and family for referrals. Then, once you’ve made a choice, ask that person for references. Take advantage of the first-hand experience of the people who have already used a service. And always ask if the company is licensed and insured. You’d be surprised to know how frequently homebuyers are duped by uninsured inspectors.

Choosing The Cheapest Option
Cheaper is not always better, especially when we’re talking about someone whose authority you’re trusting as you make a significant financial investment. Of course, it must be added that the most expensive service is not always the best. In your search for the right property inspection team, begin by ranking your options by their reviews, your referrals, and even the rapport you have with the person. Then, only after you’ve established the best options, should you allow cost to factor in.

Going Old School
There is a lot to be said about experience in the property inspection business. However, over time technology has transformed the business and if you’re choosing to go old school you may be missing out. Inspection technology allows property inspectors to virtually see through walls and visualize hidden issues that may cause a significant financial upset in the years to come. So, make sure that you ask your home inspector how they plan to use technology to your benefit.

Hiring the right property inspection team can mean the difference between a first time home buyer purchasing a home of her family’s dreams, and being stuck with more issues than she bargained for. If you’re in the market to purchase a home for the first time, or even if you’re an experienced buyer, contact us today. We’d love to tell you more about how our services help keep your family safe.